Le Tre Corti B&B Treviso

About Treviso

  • Canal View - About Treviso B&B Le Tre Corti
  • Canal - About Treviso B&B Le Tre Corti
  • Canale Buranelli - About Treviso B&B Le Tre Corti
  • Chiostro Seminario Vescovile - About Treviso B&B Le Tre Corti
  • Sile River - About Treviso B&B Le Tre Corti
  • Loggia dei Cavalieri - About Treviso B&B Le Tre Corti

Treviso is depicted as “La Marca Gioiosa et Amorosa” in a twelfth century’s description, wich refers to the fact that the city has been active and passionate since its origins. The province of Treviso is a jewel of art, culture, history, fine cuisine and natural beauty.The roots of its charm lie in time and history. Since ancient times, different populations inhabited the area of Treviso, leaving traces of their passage. La Marca was the place chosen by Paleoveneti, then came Romans, then again medieval lords governed and enriched and gave the beauty that it still owns. Treviso then passed under the rule of the Serenissima Republic of Venice.

“Marca Gioiosa et Amorosa”
(XII century)

Treviso, the provincial capital, is a walled city and is crossed by the river Sile, that runs through the frescoed villas, porticos and ancient monuments. The reflections of the buildings on the waters of the river embellish the city and create a bright and charming scenario. Such a wonder has been the subject of attention in literature, the one that has dedicated the great poet Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy, in the ninth Canto of Paradise. The poet reminds in his verses his permanence in Treviso during his exile from Florence.

Dove Sile and Cagnan s’accompagna[…]

This quote finds space within the city and you can read it shown on one of the many bridges that you can cross walking around Treviso: Dante’s bridge. In Treviso culture is savored in every corner of the city and in the last few years the city has become a branch of Padua and Venice Universities. In the city you can find a theater, which offers a rich season of shows every year, an Essay Cinema and art galleries among which Ca ‘dei Carraresi, which in every season opening hosts international exhibitions. Treviso is an exceptional location for artistic and gastronomic events that aim to promote the excellence of an area rich in unique flavors.

More informations on: www.marcatreviso.it